1. What is a Pan Card?
PAN (U.S.A. equivalent of SSN) is a 10 digit alphanumeric number issued by the Income Tax Department of India in the form of a laminated card. It is a unique ID used by income tax department for their reference purpose. Once obtained this card is valid for a lifetime.
2. When PAN is required ? Or Who shall apply for PAN?
An NRI PAN Card is required for almost all investment and financial transactions carried in India, of which some are:
  For filing returns of Income or paying taxes on Indian income under the Income Tax Act, 1961
  Opening an account through the enhanced Know Your Customer ('KYC') procedure
  Investing in securities as per the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
  Investing in Mutual Fund schemes for all existing and prospective investors
  Purchase and sale of property in India
  Purchase and payments of vehicles
For more details on requirement to obtain a PAN card, mail us at:
3. Penalty in case of not obtaining PAN?
If a person required to obtain PAN but fails to do so can be fined a penalty of INR 10,000. Quoting wrong PAN can also attract the above said penalty.
4. How to apply for a PAN card?
The process of getting a PAN card can be made hassle free by obtaining our expertise service.All you need is to mail us a request for obtaining a PAN card. We will send you a request for furnishing certain details which we require for applying a PAN card.
We will mail you the duly filled up PAN application form which you can download, sign and send back to us along with other supporting documents required. We shall follow up with the PAN issuing department and send the PAN card at the address specified by you.